The Capital Region Southwest Water Services Commission (CRSWSC) was established on Sept. 1, 1984 and today is a regional co-operation providing clean, safe drinking water to the City of Leduc, Leduc County, City of Beaumont, the Edmonton International Airport (EIA), the Town of Calmar, the Village of Hay Lakes, Camrose County and the Town of Millet.

The Commission purchases its water directly from EPCOR Water Services in coordination with the Regional Water Customers Group. EPCOR supplies the CRSWSC from two major water treatment plants, E.L. Smith and Rossdale, both located in the City of Edmonton and sourcing water from the North Saskatchewan River.

Alberta Regulation, AR 292/84 created the Capital Region Southwest Water Services Commission. The Regulation was most recently amended in 2020, when AR 292/84 was repealed by AR 122/2020 as part of the government’s effort to reduce red tape by granting municipal authorities more autonomy and reducing the required amount of provincial approvals for Regional Service Commissions. The Capital Region Southwest Water Services Commission continues to operate as before in accordance with their bylaws and Part 15.1 of the MGA.

The Regulation mandates that services be supplied ‘as required,’ that fees charged are based on full recovery of capital and operating costs, and that all members be charged a uniform rate. Part 15.1 of the Municipal Government Act (SA 194, Chapter 26.1) is the legislation which governs Region Services Commissions.

The Capital Region Southwest Water Services Commission membership now includes:

  • City of Beaumont
  • Town of Calmar
  • Camrose County
  • Village of Hay Lakes
  • City of Leduc
  • Leduc County
  • Town of Millet

Members of the public are welcome to request to speak during the Public Commentary portion of a CRSWSC meeting, or can request to attend a CRSWSC meeting as an observer. Requests should be submitted to at least one week prior to Board meetings. The meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. and are held at the Leduc Golf Club, located at 5725 Black Gold Drive, Leduc.

2024 Meeting Dates

  • Thursday, January 18, 2024
  • Thursday, March 21, 2024
  • Thursday, April 18, 2024
  • Thursday, May 16, 2024
  • Thursday, September 19, 2024
  • Thursday, November 21, 2024

The CRSWSC is one of nine members that form the Regional Water Customers Group. All nine members work closely together to ensure all communications and transactions with EPCOR Water Services are of a united front. The Commission works closely with the Regional Water Customers Group for long-range planning, rate negotiation and coordination of water supply.

The Commission works diligently to ensure clean, safe drinking water is provided to all customers. It closely monitors and controls flow rates, chlorine residuals, pressures and reservoir levels for each of its customers. The Commission endeavours to comply with all regulations and standards set out by Canadian regulatory agencies. It’s the goal of the CRSWSC to set standards and guidelines for each of its customers to model themselves after.

In 2019 the Board adopted a Strategic Plan to provide strategic direction for the future of the Commission. The Strategic Plan exercise resulted in the establishment of the Mission StatementThe Capital Region Southwest Water Services Commission delivers a reliable supply of clean, safe, drinking water to our members.” Additionally, the Board formed the following set of Values that are guiding principles to help determine how the Commission will operate, both in public and privately.

  • Innovation – We will explore new ways of meeting Member needs and maintain technology and processes that are considered leading edge.
  • Integrity – We will do what we say we are going to do.
  • Leadership – We will provide high-value service delivery and environmental protection that inspires our regional neighbours. We will be seen as leaders in our field of expertise.
  • Quality – When our services are measured alongside similar services provided elsewhere, our services are among the most reputable, timely and efficient.
  • Reliability – We are committed to providing dependable service to member municipalities.

For further information, please review the full Strategic Plan document, found under Technical Documents below.


Bylaw 01-2021


Water Supply Policy

Board & Administration Training and Development Policy

Reserve Policy

Investment Policy

Remuneration and Expenses Policy

Procurement Policy

Legacy Service Connection Demarcation Point Policy

Annual Reports

2023 Annual Report

2022 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report

2020 Annual Report

2019 Annual Report

2018 Annual Report

2017 Annual Report

2016 Annual Report

2015 Annual Report

2014 Annual Report

Technical Documents

Construction Completion Certificate (CCC)

Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC)

Tips for Saving Water

CRSWSC Strategic Plan (2019- 2023)

Water Demand Measures

Master Plan